
Item Code: 100633

Poster Theme:  Corporate


"Always Aim For The Sky, For If You Fail,
At Least You Can Reach The Clouds"


Item Code: 100726

Poster Theme:  Corporate


"Life Is Lie A Piano.  What You Get Out Of It Depends On How You Play It. 
Most Folks Are About As Happy As They Make Up Their Minds To Be."


Item Code: 100727

Poster Theme:  Corporate


"Never, Never, Never Give Up"


Item Code: 100101

Poster Theme:  Inspirational


"One man with courage makes a majority."


Item Code: 100102

Poster Theme:  Inspirational


"Fail to plan, plan to fail." 


Item Code: 100103

Poster Theme:  Inspirational


"People are like teabags. You have to put them into hot water before you can know how strong they are." 


Item Code: 100106

Poster Theme:  Inspirational


"Ideas will always be ideas unless you put them into action." 


Item Code: 100108

Poster Theme:  Inspirational


"Some people see things as they are and ask why.  Others dream things that never were and ask why not.  What your mind can conceive and believe, It Can Achieve." 


Item Code: 100202

Poster Theme:  Inspirational

"Nothing great was ever achieved without first a dream.
Dreams often come true to those who dare to live their dreams."

Item Code: 100203

Poster Theme:  Inspirational


"In the midst of difficulties lie opportunity." 


Item Code: 100206

Poster Theme:  Inspirational


"When facing difficulties, do not become bitter...
...instead become better." 


Item Code: 100207

Poster Theme:  Inspirational


"To be wronged is nothing unless you continue to remember it.
Forgiving those who hurt us is the key to personal peace." 
